Restoring value to Tennessee communities through the Health and Safety Receivership remedy
Tennessee Receivership Group is a health and safety receiver of distressed properties in Shelby County. A receivership under the Health and Safety Code is an alternative to an enforcement agency taking on the financial and physical responsibility of managing the nuisance abatement process. By leveraging the statutory authority and equitable discretion of the courts, health and safety receiverships can break stalemates in nuisance abatement cases at no cost to taxpayers.
Case Studies

Full Abatement

The First Partial Abatement in Tennessee History
Dive into the receivership process through the rebirth of this once-dilapidated property, made new again!
Appointed in December of 2021, TRG immediately went to work on this property on Lawrence Avenue, transforming the home from a health and safety hazard to a true gem 6 months later while preserving its historical significance. Such improvements allow for surrounding property values to increase, thereby benefiting the community as a whole.